Performance of MAC Frame Fragmentation and Efficient Flow Control Schemes for Synchronous Ethernet Systems 

Vol. 30,  No. 12, pp. 838-846, Dec.  2005

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In this paper, we consider the following two issues for implementing the synchronous Ethernet systems. First, a synchronous Ethernet system employs a fixed size superframe which is divided into a synchronous period and an asynchronous one. We note that the starting point of a superframe is not deterministic when an ordinary data frame's transmission is overlapped the superframe boundary. This overlap may be a fatal drawback for strict jitter bounded applications. Circumventing the problem, we propose a frame fragmentation scheme to provide a zero jitter, and compare its delay performance with the hold scheme which also provides the zero jitter. We next concern that IEEE 802.3x pause frames cannot be promptly transmitted in a synchronous period, and thus asynchronous traffics may be dramatically get dropped at the input buffer of a switch. To handle the problem, we propose an efficient flow control by allowing the transmission of the pause frame in a synchronous period, and investigate the blocking probability of the asynchronous traffics by the simulation.

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[IEEE Style]

H. Choi, C. Yoon, J. Cho, "Performance of MAC Frame Fragmentation and Efficient Flow Control Schemes for Synchronous Ethernet Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 838-846, 2005. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Hee-Kyoung Choi, Chong-Ho Yoon, and Jae-Hun Cho. 2005. Performance of MAC Frame Fragmentation and Efficient Flow Control Schemes for Synchronous Ethernet Systems. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 30, 12, (2005), 838-846. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Hee-Kyoung Choi, Chong-Ho Yoon, Jae-Hun Cho, "Performance of MAC Frame Fragmentation and Efficient Flow Control Schemes for Synchronous Ethernet Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 838-846, 12. 2005.