The Flexible Design of 0.96 Tbps WDM System over 1,000㎞ NZ-DSF by Using Optimal Parameters of Optical Phase Conjugator 

Vol. 32,  No. 7, pp. 657-665, Jul.  2007

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In this paper, it is investigated that the limitation due to the asymmetry of optical power and chromatic dispersion with respect to optical phase conjugator (OPC) for compensating optical signal distortion of WDM channels in mid-span spectral inversion (MSSI) technique is overcame by using OPC position offset and optimal dispersion coefficients of fiber sections, which depend on OPC position offset. It is confirmed that overall WDM channels are efficiently compensated by applying the optimal parameter values obtained from the proposed method into 24 channels ⅹ 40 Gbps WDM system with non zero - dispersion shifted fiber (NZ-DSF) of 1,000 ㎞, such as power penalties of inter-channel are reduce to almost 3.5 ㏈ from the infinite value. It is also confirmed that the flexible design of WDM system with OPC is possible by using the optimal parameters, in which OPC is placed at ±15 ㎞ from 500 ㎞ for efficiently compensating overall channels.

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[IEEE Style]

S. Lee and K. Doh, "The Flexible Design of 0.96 Tbps WDM System over 1,000㎞ NZ-DSF by Using Optimal Parameters of Optical Phase Conjugator," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 657-665, 2007. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Seong-Real Lee and Kyu-Bong Doh. 2007. The Flexible Design of 0.96 Tbps WDM System over 1,000㎞ NZ-DSF by Using Optimal Parameters of Optical Phase Conjugator. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 32, 7, (2007), 657-665. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Seong-Real Lee and Kyu-Bong Doh, "The Flexible Design of 0.96 Tbps WDM System over 1,000㎞ NZ-DSF by Using Optimal Parameters of Optical Phase Conjugator," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 657-665, 7. 2007.