Standard Technology for Digital Cable Stereoscopic 3DTV Broadcasting 

Vol. 36,  No. 9, pp. 1126-1142, Sep.  2011

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This paper addresses the stereoscopic 3D broadcasting technology that delivers the 3DTV contents through the digital cable networks. In order to convey the 3D contents via DCATV network, specifications of 3D video format, compression, multiplexing, signalling and transport are to be developed. Since 3D has some constraints unlike 2D, it is required to be well designed by considering the capacity of the additional view and the backward/forward compatibility. This paper goes with the latest trends of 3D standard, requirements and service scenarios and then covers the 3D format, compression, multiplexing and signaling, service information and transport/reception technologies.

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[IEEE Style]

W. You, B. Lee, J. Jung, K. Yun, D. J. Choi, W. Cheong, N. Hur, O. Kwon, "Standard Technology for Digital Cable Stereoscopic 3DTV Broadcasting," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1126-1142, 2011. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Woongshik You, BongHo Lee, Joon-Young Jung, Kugjin Yun, Dong Joon Choi, Won-Sik Cheong, Namho Hur, and Oh-Seok Kwon. 2011. Standard Technology for Digital Cable Stereoscopic 3DTV Broadcasting. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 36, 9, (2011), 1126-1142. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Woongshik You, BongHo Lee, Joon-Young Jung, Kugjin Yun, Dong Joon Choi, Won-Sik Cheong, Namho Hur, Oh-Seok Kwon, "Standard Technology for Digital Cable Stereoscopic 3DTV Broadcasting," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1126-1142, 9. 2011.