Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer Based on LDPC Code for the Phase Noise Suppression and Performance Improvement 

Vol. 37,  No. 3, pp. 179-187, Mar.  2012

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In this paper, we propose an adaptive DFE (Decision Feedback Equalizer) based on LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) code for phase noise suppression and performance improvement. The proposed equalizer in this paper is applied for wireless repeater system. So as to meet ever increasing requirements on higher wireless access data rate and better quality of service (QoS), the wireless repeater system has been studied. The echo channel and RF impairments such as phase noise produce performance degradation. In order to remove echo channel and phase noise, we suggest a novel adaptive DFE equalizer based on LDPC code. The proposed equalizer helps to compensate RF impairments and improve the performance significantly better than used independently. In addition, proposed equalizer has less iteration number of LDPC code. So, the proposed equalizer system has low complexity.

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[IEEE Style]

D. Kim and H. Ryu, "Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer Based on LDPC Code for the Phase Noise Suppression and Performance Improvement," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 179-187, 2012. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Do-Hoon Kim and Heung-Gyoon Ryu. 2012. Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer Based on LDPC Code for the Phase Noise Suppression and Performance Improvement. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 37, 3, (2012), 179-187. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Do-Hoon Kim and Heung-Gyoon Ryu, "Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer Based on LDPC Code for the Phase Noise Suppression and Performance Improvement," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 179-187, 3. 2012.