Blind Equalization Selectively Using Coarse Symbol Constellation and Dense Symbol Constellation 

Vol. 39,  No. 11, pp. 645-651, Nov.  2014

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For blind equalization, we propose a method of updating an equalizer, which generates an error from selectively applying a transmitted symbol constellation and that of induced equivalently from the transmitted symbol constellation and updates the equalizer by using this error. The proposed method, by selectively using the symbol constellation effective for improvement of symbol estimation accuracy and that of effective for improvement of error performance, showed that it is possible to improve the error performance at the same time to open the eye diagram of equalizer output quickly. As a criterion applying the symbol constellation, we used the dispersion of symbol points of equalizer output. In addition, to increase the accuracy of updating an equalizer the error was controlled by using current and previous dispersions. By simulation, under multipath channel with additive noise, we verified the equalization performance of the proposed method for 64-QAM.

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[IEEE Style]

K. N. Oh, "Blind Equalization Selectively Using Coarse Symbol Constellation and Dense Symbol Constellation," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 645-651, 2014. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Kil Nam Oh. 2014. Blind Equalization Selectively Using Coarse Symbol Constellation and Dense Symbol Constellation. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 39, 11, (2014), 645-651. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Kil Nam Oh, "Blind Equalization Selectively Using Coarse Symbol Constellation and Dense Symbol Constellation," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 645-651, 11. 2014.