Analysis of the Market and Industry Structure on the Information Security Industry 

Vol. 43,  No. 1, pp. 191-200, Jan.  2018

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This study examines the status of Korea"s information security industry through mutual comparison between Korea and the world, and also compares the economic ripple effects between information security products market and information security services market in Korea through input-output analysis. In the world information security industry, we find that the service market is far greater in sales and the market attractiveness than the product market, but in Korea, the opposite result is obtained. On the other hand, through the I-O analysis, we discover the fact that domestic product markets have significantly lower added value and employment inducing effect than service markets. The results of this study suggest that it is urgent to take measures to increase the value added of information security products with weak income generation capability and it is necessary to introduce the restructuring of the main market of information security industry from product market to service market.

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[IEEE Style]

P. Kim, "Analysis of the Market and Industry Structure on the Information Security Industry," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 191-200, 2018. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2018.43.1.191.

[ACM Style]

Pang-ryong Kim. 2018. Analysis of the Market and Industry Structure on the Information Security Industry. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 43, 1, (2018), 191-200. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2018.43.1.191.

[KICS Style]

Pang-ryong Kim, "Analysis of the Market and Industry Structure on the Information Security Industry," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 191-200, 1. 2018. (