Data Interworking Model between DLMS and LwM2M Protocols for Remote Meter Reading Service in AMI 2.0 

Vol. 47,  No. 11, pp. 1815-1823, Nov.  2022

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KEPCO is in the process of upgrading AMI 1.0, which is limited to simple remote meter reading to AMI 2.0 for BTM service, real-time power demand management support, and expansion of renewable energy capacity. In this paper, we examine the main differences between AMI 1.0 and AMI 2.0, and propose a data interworking model with the DLMS protocol to more efficiently utilize the LwM2M protocol adopted in AMI 2.0 from the point of view of remote meter reading. The proposed remote meter reading method improved packet transmission efficiency by 47.2%p compared to the LwM2M encapsulation method used in AMI 2.0 transitionally and it is expected that the efficiency of protocol management will increase by unifying the remote meter reading service and remote management method of field terminals with the LwM2M protocol.

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[IEEE Style]

N. Myoung and C. Eun, "Data Interworking Model between DLMS and LwM2M Protocols for Remote Meter Reading Service in AMI 2.0," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1815-1823, 2022. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2022.47.11.1815.

[ACM Style]

No-Gil Myoung and Chung-Soo Eun. 2022. Data Interworking Model between DLMS and LwM2M Protocols for Remote Meter Reading Service in AMI 2.0. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 47, 11, (2022), 1815-1823. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2022.47.11.1815.

[KICS Style]

No-Gil Myoung and Chung-Soo Eun, "Data Interworking Model between DLMS and LwM2M Protocols for Remote Meter Reading Service in AMI 2.0," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1815-1823, 11. 2022. (