Smart Cane Using Time-Division Overlapped-Beam Based Multi-Ultrasonic Sensors 

Vol. 48,  No. 9, pp. 1091-1101, Sep.  2023

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In this paper, for the visually-impaired people, we implement a smart cane(SC) using the time-division overlapped-beam based multiple ultrasonic sensors. The proposed SC scheme transmits time-division multiple ultrasonic overlapped-beams such that obstacle detection performance is improved and reliable sensing coverage is achievable. Moreover, when compared to existing SC schemes, proposed SC scheme reduces the required number of sensors by up to a half under the same spatial resolution conditions such that system design cost and attachability, even within a very-limited SC stick space, have been improved. Moreover, For the validation of proposed scheme, we implement an Arduino-based testbed(TB) that consists of a haptic HW module, an obstacle detection HW module using ultrasonic sensors, and a detection algorithm SW. Using such TB, we verify the obstacle detection capability of proposed SC model by measuring detection performance, and prove its practicality through walking tests under an simulated operating environment.

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[IEEE Style]

S. Choe, S. Cha, D. Cheon, S. Kwak, H. Kim, "Smart Cane Using Time-Division Overlapped-Beam Based Multi-Ultrasonic Sensors," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1091-1101, 2023. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2023.48.9.1091.

[ACM Style]

Sangho Choe, Seung-Yeon Cha, Daeun Cheon, Soo-Bin Kwak, and Hyun-Seo Kim. 2023. Smart Cane Using Time-Division Overlapped-Beam Based Multi-Ultrasonic Sensors. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 48, 9, (2023), 1091-1101. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2023.48.9.1091.

[KICS Style]

Sangho Choe, Seung-Yeon Cha, Daeun Cheon, Soo-Bin Kwak, Hyun-Seo Kim, "Smart Cane Using Time-Division Overlapped-Beam Based Multi-Ultrasonic Sensors," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1091-1101, 9. 2023. (
Vol. 48, No. 9 Index