Identification of Voice Differences Between Deep Voice, Real Voice, and Voice Phishing Female Offenders mpersonating Financial Institutions and Ordinary Females of the Same Age 

Vol. 48,  No. 9, pp. 1161-1168, Sep.  2023

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The main types of voice phishing crimes are impersonation of financial institutions and impersonation of investigative agencies such as the prosecution. In order to reduce the damage caused by voice phishing, it is most important to identify the voice characteristics of voice phishing criminals. For this, in this paper, firstly, what kind of voice difference exists between the voice of a female voice phishing criminal impersonating a financial institution and the same public criminal sentence that was used for a crime against ordinary women of the same age similar to this female criminal. Secondly, although no crime has occurred in Korea yet, deep voice voice phishing crimes using AI-based voice synthesis technology have recently occurred in foreign countries. This is a crime that is mainly done by impersonating acquaintances, and it is believed that sooner or later, damages may occur in our country as well. Therefore, in this paper, we would like to propose a methodology that can technically prevent voice phishing damage by conducting a study on the difference between deep voice and real voice

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[IEEE Style]

I. Y. Cho, E. B. Park, D. Y. Song, H. J. Shim, S. M. Kim, J. S. Park, N. H. Park, Y. M. Jeung, D. U. Cho, "Identification of Voice Differences Between Deep Voice, Real Voice, and Voice Phishing Female Offenders mpersonating Financial Institutions and Ordinary Females of the Same Age," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1161-1168, 2023. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2023.48.9.1161.

[ACM Style]

Il Yeong Cho, Eun Bin Park, Do Yeon Song, Hye Ji Shim, Su Min Kim, Ji Su Park, Na Hee Park, Yeon Man Jeung, and Dong Uk Cho. 2023. Identification of Voice Differences Between Deep Voice, Real Voice, and Voice Phishing Female Offenders mpersonating Financial Institutions and Ordinary Females of the Same Age. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 48, 9, (2023), 1161-1168. DOI: 10.7840/kics.2023.48.9.1161.

[KICS Style]

Il Yeong Cho, Eun Bin Park, Do Yeon Song, Hye Ji Shim, Su Min Kim, Ji Su Park, Na Hee Park, Yeon Man Jeung, Dong Uk Cho, "Identification of Voice Differences Between Deep Voice, Real Voice, and Voice Phishing Female Offenders mpersonating Financial Institutions and Ordinary Females of the Same Age," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1161-1168, 9. 2023. (
Vol. 48, No. 9 Index