Performance Enhancement by Scaling Soft Bit Information of APSK 

Vol. 38,  No. 10, pp. 858-866, Oct.  2013

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In the DVB-S2, which is the technical specification of the second generation digital video broadcasting via satellite, APSK modulation scheme along with LDPC coding schemes are defined. APSK is a multi-lelvel PSK modulation scheme and decoding of LDPC coded signal requires soft decision information. Therefore, the APSK demodulator at the receiver should have capability of estimating soft information. In this paper, we introduce a method to estimate soft information by using simple distance estimation, and show that this method overestimates the soft information. Subsequently, this overestimated soft information leads to performance degradation. In order to overcome this problem, we propose a scaling method to improve the performance at the receiver In addition, we show that the proposed scaling scheme enables us to estimate the soft information with linear order complexity and produce the performance close to the maximum likelihood detection.

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[IEEE Style]

M. Zhang and S. Kim, "Performance Enhancement by Scaling Soft Bit Information of APSK," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 858-866, 2013. DOI: .

[ACM Style]

Meixiang Zhang and Sooyoung Kim. 2013. Performance Enhancement by Scaling Soft Bit Information of APSK. The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, 38, 10, (2013), 858-866. DOI: .

[KICS Style]

Meixiang Zhang and Sooyoung Kim, "Performance Enhancement by Scaling Soft Bit Information of APSK," The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 858-866, 10. 2013.